Entering a photography contest might seem scary at first. You are not ready, you are not good enough yet, you don’t know how, you don’t know of any contests etc … BUT joining photography contests to create visibility provides a lot of value for you as a drone photographer. Let me explain …
Remember that international law firm from my previous licensing post? They actually found my ‘Art or architecture’ photo, because last year it ended up in the Top50 of the Urban 2020 contest by Agora. I must say, Agora Images does a really great job promoting the Top50 photos in the international press. This leads to dozens of articles where your photo is then promoted as well. Luckily for me, the law firm’s art director saw one of these articles. And well, the rest is history ?

That same ‘Art or architecture’ photo was also selected in the PEP Urban Challenges contest to be exhibited in an expo in Berlin in 2020. Different contest, different type of visibility … But you never know where this could eventually lead for you as a drone photographer.
Gain experience through photo contests
Aside of the obvious ‘photography contests to create visibility’ argument, these contests also provide value in terms of gaining experience. You see what other drone photographers are doing & creating. It also functions as a great test platform, to see what type of photos perform really well for example ?
Even if you’re not getting a big licensing deal out of it, you might create a more solid name for yourself as a drone photographer, sell a few more prints, be more experienced and make some cool connections with other photographers in your niche.
Agora is a great photo contest platform
Last year I was lucky enough to be shortlisted in the Top50 of several Agora contests, such as Aerial 2020, Landscape 2020, Urban 2020 just to name a few. This year I’m participating again. Already resulting in a Top50 spot for Landscape 2021 with the below photo from the Azores ?

The Agora app is completely free and you usually get 1 free photo submission per contest. So I would definitely recommend to join Agora Images as well. I need a little competition there. ? All jokes aside, it’s a great learning experience and who knows, you might end up winning some of the price money! Which ranges from $100 for the photo-of-the-week to $5.000 for bigger contests like Landscape 2021, all the way to $25.000 for the ‘Photo of the year’ contest winner. See you there ?
Did I trigger your interest? Looking for more photography contests? Have a look at this great website listing them all: photocontestdeadlines.com. I would recommend to participate in all free contests that allow drone photos or if the category is related to drone photos. My tip: register for free to be able to search more effectively.