Individual drone coaching session is a great way to learn and tackle your specific problems
Individual drone coaching sessions

Individual drone coaching session is a great way to learn and tackle your specific problems

Last week I did my first individual drone coaching session with Bastian from Germany. During the coaching we tackled some difficulties he was having in Lightroom via a Zoom call.

He shared his Lightroom screen and we dove into the editing together. Through my workflow and a lot of specific questions-and-answers I was able to guide him to create this image:

Remember, good editing always starts with good composition and a sharp & professional looking image. Then we add the juicy sauce, which is a lot of personal style and taste. In the individual drone coaching session I explained him how to achieve the composition and professional look and then I helped him to bring out his personal style ?

Next to being educational, this process is a lot of fun as well. So are you struggling with Lightroom? Or drone photography in general? Feel free to reach out and schedule a 1-on-1 Zoom call with me as well.

Individual coaching = 30mins at 60 EUR

Let’s improve your skills together ?

Do you want to read some Lightroom tips first, check out my 10 easy steps in Lightroom article.